Creating a corporate website


Order the creation of a corporate website in the United States, Great Britain, Australia.

The creation of a corporate website with a catalog of products or services at a cost of $ 400, the production time will take 7 working days.

The price of website development includes a whole range of works:

  • creating a website design for any activity;
  • information content of site pages-up to 10 pages;
  • software services: directory of goods or services with categories, subcategories and pages of goods/services; the application form for the product/services; search by site; call back; live-chat; news; portfolio; animated slider on the Home page; client testimonials; FAQ; mobile version; the output recommended goods/services; one-time work on search optimization for Yandex and Google.

In order to get a quality corporate website with a catalog of goods or services You need to place an order by sending us an application.

Advantages of corporate websites:

  1. The time to create a corporate website is seven working days;
  2. Our designers will make the website for any direction of business;
  3. When ordering a corporate website You get a free bonus;
  4. Corporate website with admin panel, content and optimization;
  5. The cost of website development is only $ 400.

What is included in the creation of a corporate website:

Multifunctional control system

Each corporate site developed in our company contains a convenient content management system (site admin panel) with all the necessary tools for active promotion of your business on the Internet.

Managing text sections, catalog, portfolio

You will be able to create new partitions, naming the names, change the places to hide from the publication to create any number of categories in the catalog and to manage the portfolio (to create categories for different types of projects) and many more.

Filling the site with your materials

When developing a corporate website, we carry out information filling of the catalog up to 10 pages or positions With your materials. In the future, you will be able to fill an unlimited number of text materials by yourself or through us.

Search engine optimization

Conduct basic work on the website optimization under the search systems Yandex and Google. Add the page for indexing, the associated region of the display, speeding up the indexing process by adding files robots.txt and sitemap.xml, configure 301 redirect (to open Your site only one url with www), configure nesting URLs.

Tools for online promotion

You will be able to promote your site on the Internet, using our instructions and tools admin: manual or automatic filling of page meta tags (title, keywords, descriptions), setting the nesting of URLs (maximum nesting two), weekly automatic update sitemap.xml, access to all site files through the management system.

Free oral and written consultations on the site

Free technical support for the entire life of the site: advice on working in the admin area of the site, elimination of errors that occur during the operation of the site, recommendations for improving your website.

The main reason for developing a corporate website

Today, the presence of the site is no longer a luxury, but the norms of doing business. Now, to maintain prestige, any self-respecting company has its representation on the Internet. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that the website gives access to a multi-million consumer audience. It can be a start-up, the conclusion of an existing business to a new level or an online store — the presence of the site gives unlimited opportunities to bring their proposals to potential customers instantly in any part of the world.

Creating a corporate website is necessary for:

  1. The ability to place on the site graphic, text, audio and video materials in any volume, and change or Supplement them when necessary.
  2. The site gives you the opportunity to know what your customers think about you and make your work better.
  3. It is prestigious, it means that you keep up to date and new technologies are not alien to you.
  4. Creating the image of the company, product, service, with the help of bright presentations on the pages of your website.
  5. The ability to sell goods online, which means reducing customer service costs.
  6. The ability to receive information about the preferences of your customers.
  7. A website is a business presentation, and the better it is, the higher the degree of trust in your business.

Why us?

Website development in Donbass-is primarily professionalism and knowledge of the business. We are a creative team for whom website development is a creative process. We are looking for extraordinary ideas to visualize your goals, activities, mission and create a thematic concept of your website.

In a short time-10 days, and at an affordable cost you get a turnkey website that will be:

  • adequately represent your business on the Internet;
  • optimized for search engines Yandex and Google;
  • have all the necessary tools to promote your website on the Internet;
  • integrated for social networks;
  • have advanced control system capabilities.

Website development in the Studio of Internet marketing and design Donbasweb - it's fast, inexpensive and high quality. Order the site now, because all the time while You are not on the Internet, your potential customers get to your competitors!

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