Media advertising


Media advertising is the placement of advertising materials (banners, text-graphic blocks, video) on sites that represent advertising platforms.

High-quality media advertising campaign can solve both the problem of increasing sales of goods/services, and inform a wide audience about your brand.

Display advertising is right for you if you:

  • advertise the goods of mass demand;
  • bring a new product/service to market;
  • announce new promotions, events, unique offers, discounts;
  • you want to attract the maximum audience and increase brand awareness.

What the Studio offers Internet marketing and design DonbassWeb?

  1. Place text-graphic blocks, banners, videos;
  2. To brand a page of the site;
  3. Place mobile ads;
  4. Place ads in mobile apps;
  5. To place ads on social networks;
  6. Create a special project.

Advantages of media advertising:

  • wide audience reach;
  • bright visualization of the advertised product;
  • ability to show your ads only to the target audience.

Placement of media advertising

You can place a display ad:

  1. On content sites (any site that advertises that is appropriate for your theme);
  2. In Yandex (Yandex services, Portal network, video Network, home page, movie Search);
  3. On YouTube (video ads and text string);
  4. In banner advertising networks, in video networks;
  5. On the Google display network.

When choosing the site on which the display advertising will be placed, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of setting up advertising campaigns, the overall statistics of the network, the composition of the participating sites, as well as the cost of thousands of impressions or one click.

How to achieve the effectiveness of media advertising?

  • develop creative and original banners;
  • choose suitable advertising platforms;
  • analyze traffic sources and user behavior;
  • to target;
  • according to the data obtained to determine the effectiveness of the site, banners, targeting settings and adjust the advertising campaign.

Banner advertising can be text, graphic or interactive (CGI, Java, VBS, etc.). The choice of the type of advertisement will depend on the specifics of the business, as well as the goals of the client.

When creating a media banner advertising, you should follow the following rules:

  • animated banner advertising more than static, attracts the attention of users;
  • the information in the ad should be brief but meaningful;
  • banner advertising will be effective if you place it in the middle of the page;
  • creating a banner ad, you must use no more than three colors;
  • too many pictures can reduce the effectiveness of advertising, so you need to be very careful about their selection;
  • use a variety of banners and try as often as possible to change them to advertising is not boring.

Banner advertising requires a lot of creativity and professionalism, but it allows you to achieve excellent results to attract the target audience.

The effectiveness of banner advertising is evaluated by the following criteria:

  1. Number of impressions-the main performance parameter, which is measured in thousands;
  2. The number of clicks on an ad is the second most important indicator that allows you to understand how attractive banner advertising is for users;
  3. CTR-the ratio of the number of clicks on the ad to the number of impressions, which is measured for contextual or display advertising, in percent.

Pay for display ads

Depending on the objectives of the advertising campaign, budget and quality of the advertised product/service, payment for media advertising can be carried out:

  • by flutes (for the period-day, week, month, year);
  • by CPM (per 1000 impressions);
  • by CPC (per click);
  • by CPA (per action).

Studio of Internet marketing and design Donbasweb carries out conducting advertising campaigns which budget on the media market is not less than $ 250 per month.

Why us?

The placement of display ads are profitable to order from the online Agency DonbassWeb because:

  • over the years of our work we have accumulated vast experience in advertising campaigns in various subjects;
  • we will give you a customer discount;
  • we have developed a significant base of sites for placement;
  • we cooperate with the leading networks of banner advertising;
  • recommendations on your site, prepared by us, will maximize the conversion of visitors into buyers;
  • we provide a variety of reporting options for any period of time;
  • personal Manager will always answer all your questions, will keep abreast of ongoing activities and give the necessary recommendations.

Order a media plan, we will select the target sites for you, and you will learn how effective Your advertising campaign can be!

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