Comprehensive promotion of sites in Yandex, Google, Bing


Website promotion in the Studio of Internet marketing and design Donbass Web is as follows:

  • initially, a detailed analysis of the site on its readiness for promotion;
  • on the basis of the obtained data, a technical task and a strategy for its improvement are being prepared;
  • compiled search queries to promote the site;
  • internal optimization: the queries are distributed on the website is internal linking, are the texts for search phrases, corrected errors in software code;
  • external promotion of the site includes paid placement of links and texts on thematic areas, publication of positive reviews in the social.networks, blogs;
  • a report on optimization for the month, recommendations and action plan for the next one is prepared;
  • the minimum period of website promotion is 5 months.

Our advantages of website promotion:

  • comprehensive website promotion;
  • in addition to the promotion in the TOP Yandex and Google, we run contextual advertising;
  • as part of the contract to promote the site, we are improving Your site;
  • information support of the site;
  • when promoting the site, we fill the pages with new materials;
  • when developing the site, writing unique articles with keywords;
  • website promotion in the TOP 10 Yandex and Google is from $ 250 per month;
  • each month, a detailed report on the positions of the site with recommendations.

What is included in the cost of website promotion

Make a list of promoted words

We make a list of search queries, coordinate it with you. The final cost of services will depend on the number of keywords for promotion.

Audit Your website

Check Your site for errors that prevent successful promotion in search engines. We eliminate them and work to improve the structure of the site (adding the necessary modules and services).

Add counters, website traffic

To check the results of our work to promote the site, we add counters to your online resource, provide access to them. At any time you will be able to see the attendance of the site, in what words, from which regions you came.

On-site SEO

Add Your website in webmaster Yandex and Google; custom 301 redirect; add a site map sitemap.xml; we write the instruction for search robots in the robots file.txt; correctly fill in meta-data on all pages of the site (title, keywords, descriptions).

Modernization and maintenance of the site

As part of the agreement to promote the site, we are upgrading the structure of the web resource, adding the necessary software modules and information services. We provide information support of the site: filling the content of the catalog and other text pages, taking into account the promoted requests.

Writing unique articles for promotion

Taking into account the list of promoted requests, we write unique texts for placement on Your site, coordinate them with you and then correctly place on the pages. Add the required <H> and <strong>headers.

Setting up and maintaining contextual advertising

Site promotion in the organic results (natural) in the Google search engine — not a quick process.  To make you immediately feel the effect of our joint cooperation, we set up and launch contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords.

Posting unique articles on niche sites

In order for a website to be successfully promoted in search engines, it is necessary to conduct external promotion in addition to internal optimization. One of the tools of search engine optimization is paid placement of unique articles (text up to 2000 characters with one anchor - a link to your website with a keyword inside the article).

Paid placement of eternal links

To increase the position of Your site in Search engines Yandex and Google, you need to place a paid eternal links with promoted search phrases on niche sites.

Providing a detailed report on the promotion

At the end of each reporting period (calendar month), provide a detailed report on the work done with the results of the promotion, the position of the site in search engines Yandex and Google, attendance, and planned work for the next month.

The tariff "the First" $ 250

  1. The cost of promotion is $ 250 per month;
  2. Website promotion: from 20 to 30 search phrases;
  3. Making a list of keywords for promotion;
  4. Correctly filling out meta tags (TITLE, KEYWORDS, DESCRIPTIONS);
  5. Writing and posting unique texts on the site;
  6. Paid placement of unique articles with keywords on thematic sites;
  7. Paid placement of eternal links with keywords on thematic sites;
  8. Minimum period of website promotion is 5 months;
  9. At the end of each reporting period (month) providing a detailed report on the positions, site traffic, work done.

The rate of "Second" $ 500

  1. The price of website promotion is $ 500 per month;
  2. Number of promoted requests: from 30 to 100 phrases;
  3. The semantic core (list of keywords for promotion);
  4. Filling in meta tags for all pages of the site;
  5. Placement of original texts on the site with keywords;
  6. Paid placement of unique texts with promoted requests on thematic sites;
  7. Paid placement of eternal links on thematic sites on promoted requests;
  8. Setting up and maintaining contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords;
  9. The minimum period of promotion of sites in the TOP 10 search engines is 5 months;
  10. At the end of each reporting month we provide a detailed report on the results of website promotion with positions, attendance and the amount of work done.

The rate of "Third" $ 750

  1. The cost of website promotion is $ 750 per month;
  2. Number of phrases for promotion: from 100 to 350;
  3. Making a list of promoted requests;
  4. Correctly filling out meta data of the website;
  5. Writing and posting unique articles on the site with search phrases;
  6. Paid placement of texts with search phrases on thematic sites;
  7. Paid placement of eternal links on thematic sites with keywords;
  8. Setting up and maintaining contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords;
  9. The minimum period of promotion of sites in the TOP 10 search engines is 5 months;
  10. At the end of each reporting month, a detailed and understandable report on the work done to promote the site with positions, attendance, recommendations and planned activities for the next month is provided.

Company DonbassWeb: quality website promotion in Donetsk, Lugansk and other cities of Donbass

In the age of rapid development of information technology website promotion plays a key role in attracting the target audience to network resources. As a rule, to engage in self-promotion portals many owners do not work, as many of them do not have sufficient knowledge in this area or simply do not want to spend a lot of time to promote their Internet projects. To quickly achieve the desired effect in such a difficult matter as the promotion of sites in England, USA, Australia or in any other city in the world, it is best to hire qualified specialists of the Internet marketing and design Studio DonbassWeb.

Promotion of Internet sites we have is as follows:

  • initially, a detailed analysis of the site on its readiness for promotion;
  • on the basis of the obtained data, a technical task and a strategy for its improvement are being prepared;
  • compiled search queries to promote the site;
  • internal optimization: the queries are distributed in the pages of this website is internal linking, written and posted the lyrics on search phrases usovershenstvuetsya structure, correct program code errors;
  • external promotion of the site includes its registration in search engines, paid placement of links and texts on thematic sites and leaving positive feedback on the forums;
  • the effectiveness of the work done on optimization for the month is analyzed and recommendations and action plan for the next month are made;
  • a detailed report on the work done is submitted;
  • the minimum period of website promotion is from 5-6 months depending on the subject of requests and indicators of the website. To get You started to receive calls and requests on the day after cooperation with us, we include contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

With the company DonbassWeb first results to attract the target audience you will see the next day, with affordable prices and professionalism of our specialists will please even the most demanding customers.

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